Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bloody Butcher Intestines Product Review


Here’s a perfect example of what a VERY good photographer can do to make a crappy product look good.  The two Bloody Butcher Intestines we purchased for the haunted house arrived yesterday from Skeleton Foundry, and boy, are we so unimpressed and disappointed with our purchase.  If it wasn’t going to cost us to ship them back to Skeleton Foundry, they’d have already been back on the truck and gone.  But as it so happens, we’ve already paid $11.00 for S&H the first time (non-refundable) and will most likely have to pay another $5 or $6 to send them back via Fed Ex.

We had read a review from another website on these and the guy just went on and on about how realistic they looked and felt.  Not sure how and why he would know what human intestines feel like (and really don’t care to find out either) but unless it’s a completely different item that he’s talking about, I think he may have some mental stability issues to work out.

The ONLY good thing to come out of this, is that now hubby and I have an idea on how to make our own.  Rolled up and crumpled strips of masking tape…..  Yup, that’s what we just spent $40 on…..  We’re not happy campers to say the least.  But, now that we know we can make our own and have them look just as good as the purchased ones, Home Depot better look out….  We’re coming for their tape!

If you’ve come across this blog because you were Googling the Bloody Butcher Intestines in hopes of finding a site that has them stocked, do yourself a favor and forget about ordering them online.  Invest instead some time in some how-to’s to make your own.  There are a few good one’s out there:


For an overall rating, I give these only 1 skull out of 5 and this is only because they are usable and we will use them, and that’s only because we’ve paid so much for them already.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the review. i was just about to buy them but was put off by all the outrageous shipping costs, but now i've found another reason to save my money.

    btw, i'd love to see a real pic of what you received, as opposed to the stock photo.

    thanks again!
